Rules & Constitution
Title and Objectives
The Club shall be called ROOKERY ANGLING CLUB (the Club) and have as its objectives the advancement of the art of angling and its preservation.
In the event of the Club being wound up or disbanded for whatever reason the assets and liabilities of the Club at the time of dissolution shall be distributed to the membership proportional to the subscription paid for that season but excluding non-fishing members.
The Club shall decide on the election of a President.
The Club shall elect on a three-year basis, at the Annual General Meeting, the officers of the Club, namely: a Chairperson, a General Secretary, a Membership Secretary, a Treasurer and a Match Secretary, two of whom shall be designated as Trustees. Eight members shall also be elected on a three-year basis and shall be known as the Committee.
The Committee shall draw up bye laws governing the fishing of Club waters and relating to the facilities thereof and reserve the right to amend such bye laws and advise the membership of the Club of any such changes.
All members, excluding junior members and non-fishing Members are eligible to vote and serve on the Committee if elected.
All members, excluding junior members and non-fishing Members are eligible to vote and serve on the Committee if elected.
The Annual General Meeting shall take place within the month of November. Every member shall be given 14 days’ notice of the agenda thereof. Rules shall not be altered except by the General Secretary. A Special General Meeting can only be called following a request in writing to an Officer of the Club stating the purpose of calling such a meeting. Such a request must be signed by a minimum of 10 members. All members shall receive 14 days’ notice of such agendas and only items on these agendas will be discussed.
The financial year shall end on the 31st December each year and Auditors to be appointed outside the Committee to certify the Club accounts each financial year.
Data Protection Act 1988
The Rookery Angling Club is a not for profit member only fishing club. In the process of granting membership, The Rookery Angling Club requires a prospective member to supply information which is used for the regulation and running of the Club. This information is used to provide membership documents and identity to enable members to use our waters and is held securely throughout the period of membership. This data is also used to generate renewal information and to communicate with members on Club matters. The data is not shared with any other organisation, private or commercial. Any member can request a copy of the information held on them.
Health, Safety Policy
The Club is fully committed to the prevention of accidents and the limitations of their consequences to persons and the environment. In order to achieve this objective, the Club will manage its affairs on Safety, Health and Environmental Management so as to ensure, as far as reasonably practical, that the Club will prevent injury and damage to property and the environment.
Health & Safety Guidance
Members and/or guests are reminded that they use the land and facilities leased and managed by the Club at their own risk. The land, and all things living on it, are constantly changing. Rabbits burrow, trees and vegetation die, soil erodes, treated timber rots and, in nature, even the soundest structures deteriorate over time. The countryside, particularly at the waterside, is an inherently dangerous place with many trip and other hazards always present or constantly developing. It is possible to drown in very shallow water. The following points are worthy of note;
- Be aware of oncoming tractors when entering and exiting Club fisheries
- Uneven terrain and exposed roots are present in car parks and access routes to waters
- Be aware of livestock when crossing fields.
- Access routes, bank sides and fishing stations may become slippery with inclement weather and from bird and animal droppings.
- Be wary of steep banks and deep water.
- Adverse weather may create hazardous conditions.
- Be mindful of tree branches and overhead power lines.
Please refer to the descriptions of each of the Club’s waters within this Handbook for water-specific hazards.
The Club maintains a Public Liability & Products Liability and Personal Accident Insurance Policy. It is a condition of the Policy that any claims must be advised to the insurer immediately following incidents in which it may have an interest, particularly incidents involving personal injury. So that the Club may comply with this requirement, any member who is involved in an incident whilst fishing on any Rookery AC water must immediately report the circumstances to the General Secretary.
General Rules
- Any member (and guest) contravening any of the rules or byelaws of the Club or the conditions of any leases granted to the Club in respect of its waters or facilities, as shall have been advised to members, will be liable to forfeit their membership of the Club without compensation or recourse to the Club or Committee.
- All members and guest ticket holders must observe all rules relating to angling as defined by the Environment Agency (or its successor) and which are fully endorsed by the Club and the Committee.
- Members and guest ticket holders use the Club’s waters at their own risk.
- Members and guest ticket holders are permitted to bring dogs providing they are always kept under control and all dog mess should be collected in a bag and disposed of in the normal way, off the premises.
- A current Club Membership ID Card and a valid UK National Rod License must be carried by members when at the Club’s waters. Guest Ticket Holders must also have a UK National Rod License. These must be produced when requested to do so by an accredited Water Bailiff or Member.
- Bailiffs shall not be obstructed in the course of their duties on behalf of the Club.
- Parking of vehicles must be in the authorised car park, where provided. These are indicated on the maps in the club handbook.
- Members must enter by authorised entrances only and are required to keep to the immediate vicinity of the water and not trespass on any adjoining lands.
- No member or guest may release photographs, catch reports or information on Club Waters to the Press, Internet Web sites or non-Rookery Forums. Unless given written permission to do so from the committee, beforehand.
- Junior members under 16 years of age, and guest ticket holders must be accompanied by an adult member who will be responsible for their supervision and safety at all times whilst at any Club water.
- Contravention of the Rules or Bye Laws of the Club by a junior member or a guest ticket holder will automatically suspend their membership and that of the adult member to whom they are responsible.
- No fish are to be removed at any time from Club waters except under a licence issued by the Environment Agency in accordance with Section 30 of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act (1975).
Club Byelaws
Litter, tins and reusable containers
- Members and guest ticket holders will be deemed responsible for any litter found within their area, whether it was left there by a previous occupier(s) or not and must take it away from the water for disposal appropriately.
- All particle and meat baits must be transferred into plastic bait containers (i.e. reusable containers) prior to the arrival at Club waters.
- No tins or similar are allowed on any club premises.
- All unwanted fishing line, hooks and other fishing tackle must be removed when leaving the club waters and disposed of safely
- Where a hook is being disposed of the point(s) should be removed and all line should be cut into small lengths, for the protection of wildlife, before placing in your waste bin.
- When fishing any of the Club’s waters, all members and guest ticket holders must only use barbless hooks.
- Where it is not practically possible to replace a barbed hook with a barbless hook on a proprietary item of terminal tackle, it is acceptable to file down the barb(s) (not crimping) on artificial lures and treble and other hooks attached to traces.
- In all other instances, where hooks are used individually, they must be proprietary barbless hooks, including where artificial baits and lures are used.
Pike fishing
Pike are very vulnerable and great care should be taken to protect the pike from harm. PLEASE NOTE THE BARBLESS HOOKS RULE ABOVE.
- Pike fishing only permitted between 1st October and 14th March inclusive.
- A suitably large knotless landing net and unhooking mat are mandatory for pike fishing
- Forceps at a minimum length of 12-inches are mandatory (18-inches are recommended) and a protective glove is highly recommended.
- If you are unfamiliar with pike fishing it is recommended to fish with someone who is experienced.
- A drop back indicator is recommended if ledgering or similar.
- A minimum wire trace of 12 inches is required, but it is recommended to use at least 18 inches, to fish for pike.
- Take all steps to avoid deep hooked pike. Strike early wherever possible to protect the fish.
Nets and unhooking mats
- All members and guests must have a knotless landing net set up of a suitable size for the venue being fished.
- We encourage all members to use an unhooking mat or similar for all fishing but use of these is mandatory if specifically fishing for pike, carp or other larger or specimen fish.
- A net and landing mat must accompany an angler when moving swims.
General fishing
- The use of fish as a live bait is strictly prohibited.
- All fish must be returned to the water.
- No fish from any source are to be introduced into Club Waters except with Club Committee Authority.
- No fish may be taken away from club waters.
- If any dead, diseased or distressed fish are observed please report this to the club secretary or if not available a member of the committee as soon as possible.
- If any Club Water is closed for any reason whatsoever, it must not be fished by any member until officially reopened by the Club.
- Members must use their discretion in the use of boilies, ground bait, pellets and all other loose feed and at no time use these to excess.
- No boilies may be used at Ladycross Top Lake except for wafters and pop-ups. Under no circumstances may boilies be introduced as loose feed/ground bait.
- At the end of your fishing session, you must not throw surplus baits into the water or leave the same on the bank, as this constitutes LITTER. This also includes bread or similar.
- You must carry a fish first aid kit with you and use it to treat any damage or injury you see on a fish.
- You can only fish from numbered pegs.
- Bait boats are banned from all club waters.
- No more than two rods per person to be used at any one time on all club waters.
- No tackle to be left unattended in the water at any time.
- Disabled access swims should be left available for disabled members where practical or given up if requested to do so by a disabled member.
- Night fishing is allowed with prior notification and approval of the General Secretary and the use of a bivvies is allowed. You may only remain in a swim for a maximum of 24 hours.
Matches on Club waters.
- The Club’s waters will be closed for the duration of matches to members and guest ticket holders, as determined by the Match Schedule, other than to participating members.
- Only competitions organised by Match Secretary are permitted on the Club Waters.
Conduct of members
- The possession and consumption of ALCOHOL AND CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES IS BANNED on all Club Waters.
- For the comfort and pleasure of your fellow anglers the use of MOBILE PHONES must be done in a considerate manner.
- Members must conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner, and no cause for complaint must be given to the local residents or other anglers.
- No lethal weapon, no camping (except the use of bivvies for overnight fishing), no fires under any circumstances, no radios or musical instruments, no interfering with trees, fences, or livestock, and no bad behaviour to be allowed on any water.
- Any member exhibiting signs of gross misconduct, illegal activity, physical or verbal threat of any kind at or in the vicinity of club waters will be suspended pending an investigation by the committee.
All gates adjacent to or at the Club’s waters must always be closed unless otherwise instructed and the padlocks to be reattached and locked after closing the gate.